Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
QuoteProductVariationId | integer |
None. |
QuoteId | integer |
None. |
DataloadReference | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShortCode | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 10 |
Name | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
Selected | boolean |
None. |
NumberOfItems | integer |
None. |
SliceCurrentItems | integer |
None. |
SliceMaxItems | integer |
None. |
ProductId | integer |
None. |
ProductCategoryId | integer |
None. |
ServiceType | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
PolicyId | integer |
None. |
PolicyItemTerm | integer |
None. |
DataLoadProfileId | integer |
None. |
BillingProfileId | integer |
None. |
BillingProfileExternalRefPrefix | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 3 |
BillingProfileExternalRef | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
CardOptionsId | integer |
None. |
Renewal_BillingProfileId | integer |
None. |
Renewal_BillingProfileExternalRefPrefix | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 3 |
Renewal_BillingProfileExternalRef | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
Template_QuoteProductVariationId | integer |
None. |
Card_BatchStreamId | integer |
None. |
CustomerSatisfaction_BatchStreamId | integer |
None. |
Enquiry_BatchStreamId | integer |
None. |
Cancellation_BatchStreamId | integer |
None. |
NonPayment_BatchStreamId | integer |
None. |
TaxClassId | integer |
None. |
TermMonths | integer |
None. |
SelfBillingUnitPriceWithTax | decimal number |
None. |
DataLoad_CustomerId | integer |
None. |
DataLoadConverterId | integer |
None. |
DataLoadErrorDuplicates | boolean |
None. |
DataLoadErrorFileOnSingleError | boolean |
None. |
DataLoadAdjustSlice | boolean |
None. |
DataLoadStart_NotificationStreamId | integer |
None. |
DataLoadError_NotificationStreamId | integer |
None. |
DataLoadComplete_NotificationStreamId | integer |
None. |
QuoteOriginalPrice | decimal number |
None. |
QuotePriceExcTax | decimal number |
None. |
QuotePriceWithTax | decimal number |
None. |
DiscountTotal | decimal number |
None. |
ResSyncType | ResSyncType |
None. |
EffectiveFrom | date |
None. |
UnderwriterEffectiveDate | date |
None. |
AreaId | integer |
None. |
ShouldBeInvoiced | boolean |
None. |
ChangeCount | integer |
None. |
ChangeUser | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ChangeDate | date |
None. |
Area | Area |
None. |
CardBatchStream | BatchStream |
None. |
CustomerSatisfactionBatchStream | BatchStream |
None. |
CancellationBatchStream | BatchStream |
None. |
EnquiryBatchStream | BatchStream |
None. |
NonPaymentBatchStream | BatchStream |
None. |
BillingProfile | BillingProfile |
None. |
RenewalBillingProfile | BillingProfile |
None. |
BookingAgentTemplateVariations | Collection of BookingAgentTemplateVariation |
None. |
CardOption | CardOption |
None. |
Customer | Customer |
None. |
DataLoadProfile | DataLoadProfile |
None. |
DataLoadStartNotificationStream | NotificationStream |
None. |
DataLoadErrorNotificationStream | NotificationStream |
None. |
DataLoadCompleteNotificationStream | NotificationStream |
None. |
TemplateQuoteProductVariation | QuoteProductVariation |
None. |
Policies | Collection of Policy |
None. |
Product | Product |
None. |
Policy | Policy |
None. |
ProductCategory | ProductCategory |
None. |
PromCodeTemplateVariations | Collection of PromCodeTemplateVariation |
None. |
Quote | Quote |
None. |
QuoteProductElements | Collection of QuoteProductElement |
None. |
TaxClass | TaxClass |
None. |
DataLoadConverter | DataLoadConverter |
None. |
QuoteProductVariationAreas | Collection of QuoteProductVariationArea |
None. |
QuoteProductVariationItems | Collection of QuoteProductVariationItem |
None. |
QuoteRules | Collection of QuoteRule |
None. |
QuoteVariationDataMappingItems | Collection of QuoteVariationDataMappingItem |
None. |
SalesItemElements | Collection of SalesItemElement |
None. |
TransitionFilters | Collection of TransitionFilter |
None. |