Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
TemplateGroupId | integer |
None. |
Description | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
CalculationModelId | integer |
None. |
ProductTypeId | integer |
None. |
BrandId | integer |
None. |
MinDuration | integer |
None. |
MaxDuration | integer |
None. |
DefaultDuration | integer |
None. |
SalesOpenDate | date |
None. |
SalesCloseDate | date |
None. |
ManualNewBusinessAllowed | boolean |
None. |
PartialMonthCutoffDay | integer |
None. |
QuoteValidDays | integer |
None. |
DefaultContractType | ContractTypes |
None. |
ProposalNew_FunctionId | integer |
None. |
ProposalEdit_FunctionId | integer |
None. |
ProposalCancel_FunctionId | integer |
None. |
RequiresBillingProfile | boolean |
None. |
OrderSeq | integer |
None. |
GraceDays | integer |
None. |
OnlineSaleDetailsReceivedEmail_NotificationStreamId | integer |
None. |
OnlineSalePaymentAcceptedEmail_NotificationStreamId | integer |
None. |
OnlineSaleAccountActivatedEmail_NotificationStreamId | integer |
None. |
OfflineQuoteEmail_NotificationStreamId | integer |
None. |
Default_ApproachModelId | integer |
None. |
TemplateGroupType | TemplateGroupTypes |
None. |
SingleActiveContract | boolean |
None. |
AccountingSalesOffice | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 4 |
RenewalAlignmentMonth | integer |
None. |
ChangeDate | date |
None. |
ChangeUser | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ChangeCount | integer |
None. |
ApproachModel | ApproachModel |
None. |
Brand | Brand |
None. |
CalculationModel | CalculationModel |
None. |
ContractProfiles | Collection of ContractProfile |
None. |
OfflineQuoteEmailNotificationStream | NotificationStream |
None. |
OnlineSaleAccountActivatedEmailNotificationStream | NotificationStream |
None. |
OnlineSaleDetailsReceivedEmailNotificationStream | NotificationStream |
None. |
OnlineSalePaymentAcceptedEmailNotificationStream | NotificationStream |
None. |
PolicyUpgradeGroupTemplateGroups | Collection of PolicyUpgradeGroupTemplateGroup |
None. |
ProductType | ProductType |
None. |
Quotes | Collection of Quote |
None. |
TemplateGroupPaymentMethods | Collection of TemplateGroupPaymentMethod |
None. |
TemplateGroupTerms | Collection of TemplateGroupTerm |
None. |